Why Nightingale Harpies are following your Recruited NPC

In Nightingale you can encounter Harpies in the Swamps and sometimes they follow your Recruited NPC around. If they catch up, they do some kind of bite attack with drool all over, but there doesn't appear to be any interaction with your NPC and your NPC continues to ignore them.

What's happening is quite possibly this: Your NPC is carrying wood.

Try this next time you see Harpies following you:

  • Craft a simple container like an Angling Basket
  • Put some stacks of wood products in, like Sticks or Crude Wood.
  • The Harpies go to the container and open it up. They take one stack of materials and leave in its place Alchemical Ink (Harpy).
  • They run off and drop that stack of wood somewhere quite far but not out of sight. If several have taken stacks, all of them usually dump the stacks approximately in the same place.
  • You can retrieve the wood without making the Harpies hostile.
As of the most recent update 0.11, it seems the behavior of the Harpies has changed a bit. In the past they could peacefully follow your Recruit for a long while but now it seems that after a while, your Recruit might attack them or they might attack your Recruit, and then the whole flock becomes hostile.
