The First Descendent - Void Fragment - Sterile Land

Here are some tactically advantageous positions for The First Descendent Void Fragment Missions in Sterile Land.

Electric / level 10 (slides 1-2)
  • The end of the bridge with more crates (more cover) is recommended, and you should be behind the spawn point when possible, so you won't be in the middle of a new spawn of enemies (especially Trapballs). Also, if you are in cover and behind the spawn point, any enemies that spawn will walk toward the Fragment and away from you because they don't yet know where you are.
  • Enemies from the other end of the bridge will approach, but if you are far enough back from the ramp, the ramp up will break line of sight so they won't be shooting at you.
  • If you fall off the bridge:
    • It will not deduct a Death Count.
    • You will respawn near the center of the bridge, so ideally enemies aren't there.
Electric / level 12 (slides 3-6)
  • A short way past the metal bridge (slide 4) and away from the Fragment is a spawn point. Position yourself further down that path so you will be behind the spawn point.
  • The first chokepoint is the base of a hill near the Fragment (slide 5) where enemies like to jump down so you can get some easy shots at them.
  • The next chokepoint is at the bridge as enemies come around the bend to the path.
  • Be careful about clearing enemies because if you are too close to the metal bridge, you are basically right under a spawn point that can produce exploding Trapballs and Vanguards. So let the last enemy come to you and shoot it when you are well behind the spawn point.
  • The path is very long if you have to retreat and put distance from certain enemies such as Trapballs and Vanguards. If you need cover, there will be a large rock farther down the path (slide 6).
Fire / level 14 (slides 7-8)
  • The position at the Void Fragment is actually quite good with barriers all around you and the elevated platform forces enemies to hop up. However you may be forced out and into the open by the swarm of Slayers (teleporting melee sword-wielders that can be quite dangerous).
  • You might consider the building across from it (slide 7) instead.
    • The fence you can see through is considered a barrier and enemies cannot see through or shoot through.
    • Enemies that don't yet see you will be going the opposite direction to the Void Fragment.
    • Lots of cover nearby if you are forced to retreat.
    • Ledge nearby forcing enemies to jump up to reach you.
Chill / level 17 (slides 9-11)
  • There are basically three "lanes" to this mission: the clear center lane, and the two elevated side lanes with crates and such. You want to be on one of those lanes with crates (cover).
  • Look for the large platform with orange patches (slide 10). The lane behind it is recommended.
    • Be careful jumping up onto the highest (orange) platform as that can expose you to both of the spawn points and it's hard to just use the pillars for cover.
    • Instead, choose one end at a time and engage the enemies there.
  • The lane opposite the recommended lane has less cover but all enemies have to walk a very long way to get onto that platform, basically all the way to one end and up the ramp. They apparently won't just hop up.
  • Against melee enemies (including Slayers, Vanguards, and Trapballs), you can get onto a crate and be mostly safe (slide 11) as they don't seem to want to jump up. A higher position is preferred if you are going to shoot Trapballs because the explosion can still sometimes hit you.
