The First Descendent - Void Fragment - Fortress

Here are some tactically advantageous positions for The First Descendent Void Fragment Missions in the Fortress zone.

Chill / level 84 (slides 1-2)
  • Stand on the platform (slide 2) and retreat from the edge if you need cover from ranged attacks.
  • The second tier of the platform is recommended because of the Outpost Terminal on the first tier: A patrol could spawn in right at that location.
Electric / level 89 (slides 3-4)
  • SPECIAL: If you have Bunny with a very wide radius for her double-jump electric attack (Rabbit Foot), you can try standing on the crate that is closer to the entrance and just keep double-jumping to kill everything.
  • In the first phase, the waves are all melee so stand on the crate. You are mostly safe except for a few weak ranged attacks they might use against you.
  • When the shield on the Fragment drops, ignore it and instead run all the way to the cave entrance.
    • Not damaging the Fragment now will not penalize you except that at the end you need to destroy more Fragment health.
    • If you damage the Fragment until it's shield comes up, the enemies will immediately spawn and you could get trapped inside the cave.
    • You need to be behind the spawn point within the tunnel and not get trapped in the cave with little cover, shooters, and Bombers.
      • From behind the spawn point, all enemies are coming from only one direction and channeled into the narrow tunnel for easy shooting and skill use.
      • Make sure to destroy the last of the enemies behind the tunnel spawn point so that enemies don't spawn on or behind you and block access to your fallback position, which is basically out of the cave.
  • After you have cleared both phases, quickly return to the cave and destroy the Fragment.
Chill / level 91 (slides 5-7)
  • On the plateau overlooking the Fragment, at the east side, is a natural ramp and some rocks you can use for cover against shooters. Use that as the first choke point.
  • On the right side is a long rock wall (slide 7). You can grapple up there for safety if you are overwhelmed.
    • It is a safe spot from Bombers.
    • It is not recommended that you start there as enemy pathing is more erratic when you are there resulting in a longer mission than if the enemies were neatly grouped.
  • The Outpost (main teleport site) is nearby but the soldiers do nothing if enemies reach it.
