The First Descendent - Void Fragment - Agna Desert

Here are some tactically advantageous positions for The First Descendent Void Fragment Missions in the Agna Desert.

Electric / level 44 (slides 1-3)
  • During the first phase, stand behind the plateau next to the Fragment and generally the enemies will converge either hop up on the left or swarm in on the right (white arrows on slide 2).
  • The top of this plateau is also safe from Trapballs and except for the teleporting sword-wielding Slayers, melee enemies have a hard time getting up there.
  • During the second phase, more spawn points appear, including one right on top of the plateau. You can still defend this position and funnel enemies but it's harder as they are coming from all sides. If you can't handle it, then double-jump and grapple from the top of the plateau up to the top of the highest pillar (slide 3).
  • The pillar is the safest location as none of the enemies can reach you, and you can back away from the edge to avoid ranged attacks.
    • It is so high up that even melee attackers will fire (weak) ranged attacks at you.
    • To shoot anything you will have to go to the edge, exposing yourself to gunfire.
    • Enemies tend to spread out more trying to find their way to you.
    • It's really too high up to effectively use skills.
Fire / level 48 (slides 4-5)
  • Stand on the drill platform (the one with the energy beam) and use one of the big pillars for cover. Enemies cannot jump up onto your location.
  • Bring a Scout Rifle or Sniping Rifle for the two snipers who won't come closer but are exposed on high ground.
Electric / level 50 (slides 6-8)
  • All mission enemies come from one direction and you can get cover by using the Fragment itself or the section of rock nearby that juts out (slide 7). However, there are occasionally Bombers and an enemy patrol (regular overland encounter, not part of the mission) can spawn behind you.
  • When Bombers come, or if you just need a breather, you can grapple up to the nearby ledge (slide 9).
    • You can more or less complete the entire Void Fragment mission from the ledge, but melee enemies tend to walk  around at the base and will be hard to shoot at.
      • You can reposition on the ledge to see if they will move into view. At that height, melee enemies will use weak ranged attacks at you.
      • Once they are bunched up, you can drop down a little ways from them and let them come around the side for you to shoot or use a skill on.
    • If you try to complete the mission on the ledge, make sure you have lots of ammunition because you have less opportunities to collect ammunition. And Scout Rifle or Sniping Rifle can be handy against shield-bearing units.
Non-Attribute / level 53 (slides 9-11)
  • This Fragment is in a gully with plateaus on both sides. Both are wide enough that you can retreat from the edge and be safe from enemy fire.
  • The recommended one is the two-step plateau (slide 10). Otherwise melee enemies will simply converge at the bottom and you will have to go down and deal with them anyway.
  • However the higher plateau (slide 11) is safer because enemies cannot get up there at all.
    • At some point, there will be a mission spawn of two snipers on that plateau.
    • You can grapple between the plateaus without having to drop down to the gully, so you can stay on the safer one and then grapple to the other one to deal with melee enemies: Shoot them when they hop up to you.
    • If things get too hectic there, grapple back and find cover behind one of the rocks on the taller plateau.
