Marvel's Avengers was quite a good superhero game, and they did a great job with the skills and animations for the Avengers. It really felt like the character as it appeared in the comics and movies.
Although the game had many drawbacks, one of the most glaring one was how they forced gearing onto the Avengers in order to make it a looter shooter. This resulted in all sorts of strange gear on your heroes, and it made them no longer like the canonical heroes. Suddenly they were carrying odd artifacts and even the Hulk received body modifications like changes to his spine. It was simply bizarre.
There are surely ways to make loot drops relevant even when not part of the playable hero's gear. One way to do is is with Support Squads.
A Support Squad is a team of non-player characters that can be geared by the player. In the Marvel universe, they could be SHIELD teams, and they can have various roles:
- On a mission, players might be able to take one or two teams to aid them.
- During missions they can be simply support or they might have to hold strategic points against enemy units.
- On open world maps, they could be assigned to hold strategic positions against enemy troops, making the map more convenient to traverse.
- A generally competent balanced team with Tank, Damage Dealer, and Support.
- A defensive team for holding strategic points consisting of more Tank and Support, so the players have time to run around and clean up the bad guys.
- A synergy team where the gear can help the heroes with their abilities, such as holding enemies still or putting statuses that let the heroes trigger combination effects.
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