Here are general tips for playing the Chaos Champaign in Warhammer: Mark of Chaos
on HARD Difficulty. At the end of Chapter 1, Mission 6, we chose Nurgle instead of Khorne. A list of all our Warhammer: Mark of Chaos articles can be found here.
We won't be hand-holding you through absolutely everything, but instead just give tips on situations that we found tricky or that you might not have considered.
Chapter 3: The Path to Glory
Mission 2: Bringers of Darkness
We won't be hand-holding you through absolutely everything, but instead just give tips on situations that we found tricky or that you might not have considered.
Chapter 3: The Path to Glory
Mission 2: Bringers of Darkness
- This is a very easy mission with endless enemy reinforcements, so you have the opportunity to level up the heroes you bring with you.
- They come several minutes apart so you can get some levelling done IF you have the patience. The level limit for this Chapter is over 30 but I didn't have the patience to find out what is was.
- You really only need Kasqit to reach level 25 so that any heroes you hire can immediately access their entire skill tree.
- The basics of this mission are like every other open-field battle: Take point with a sturdy unit and a hero who can resurrect models; and kill the enemy regiments with a huge number of missile troops.
- The reinforcements are single regiments, so once you have secured the area around the landing zone, you can defeat them quickly.
- You can destroy the ships with cannon fire, but it doesn't appear to affect anything about future reinforcements.
- If you manage to destroy a ship prior to it landing any troops, no troops will land. Damaging a ship does not reduce the size of the regiment that lands.
- Maybe due to the many bumps on the terrain map, it is very hard to predict where a regiment will settle into formation, and often you will have them at odd angles or widely spaced out. It is much better (flatter terrain) near the roads.
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