Hogwarts Legacy - Petrificus Totalus observations and tricks

This is one of our series of Hogwarts Legacy tips for beginners.

Petrificus Totalus is the Hogwarts Legacy equivalent of a sneak attack takedown in other games. Combined with very relaxed stealth rules and Disillusionment, it is insanely powerful.

  • This is enabled after "Secrets of the Restricted Section" when you are returned automatically to the Library. You do not do the normal "learning a spell" minigame.
  • Using this does NOT break Disillusionment.
  • It is amazingly powerful for low-level characters facing enemies with even a very large level discrepency and Hard difficulty (e.g., level 6 versus level 20).
    • Doesn't work that well against anything that cannot be lifted by Control spells because typically they have too much health. While this is generally large creatures and trolls, Ashwinder Executioners (who cannot be lifted with Levioso) also typically have too much health to kill outright.
  • The enemy can be facing you and starting to detect you, but if you are fast enough, before they are aware, you can use Petrificus Totalus.
    • Not really recommended though. Although it's handy when an enemy is spawned by script right at your location while you are under Disillusionment -- sometimes you have a split second to cast Petrificus Totalus on them.
  • Part of the enemy's health bar changes colour to a muddy green when they are valid for a Petrificus Totalus.
    • This shows how much health will be removed by this spell. So if you are facing a tough opponent, it's useful to know if you need a plan for them surviving this spell.
    • Because they are briefly incapacitated even if not killed, it's possible to actually run away and stealth really fast and at least make them have to search for you.
  • The enemy can be unaware, but if they are "in combat" (e.g., with something else), it won't work.
    • For example, enemies can often try to attack non-player characters uselessly, such as citizens you free from spider webs with a fire spell. Those citizens hang around until all the spiders are clear before they leave. Spiders engaging with those citizens cannot be affected by Petrificus Totalus.
  • You can use Petrificus Totalus to complete Dueling Feats that need you to finish a fight in X seconds.
    • The timer doesn't start until combat begins, which means either you attack or the enemy detects you.
    • Taking out enemies individually with Petrificus Totalus does not start the timer if you can stay hidden. Clearing all enemies with Petrificus Totalus can therefore complete the Feat even before the timer ever starts.
Some enemies interact differently with Petrificus Totalus
  • Dugbog
    • These can start in a "hiding" state where they lie still and even if you know where it is, you cannot use Petrificus Totalus on it until it is "revealed" from hiding.
    • It is "hidden" when there is no enemy marker on the minimap even if you know where it is from Revelio or sight.
  • Inferius
    • Normally you need it on fire first to harm it but you can still one-shot it with Petrificus Totalus.
