Mass Effect 3
System Scanning / Search and Rescue
(compiled from the Mass Effect wiki)
(compiled from the Mass Effect wiki)
- Aethon Cluster - Aru - Irune - Artifact: Book of Plenix
- Aethon Cluster - Aru - West of Irune, north-west of asteroid belt - 200 fuel
- Aethon Cluster - Aru - Cherk Sab - Volus Fabrication Units
- Aethon Cluster - Esori - Solu Paolis - Volus Dreadnought Kwunu
- Aethon Cluster - Esori - East-south-east of star, between 3rd and 4th ring - 300 fuel
- Aethon Cluster - Nura - Oma Ker - Intel: Volus Intelligence Archives
- Aethon Cluster - Nura - Northeast of Star, before 3rd ring - 250 fuel
- Aethon Cluster - Satu Arrd - Nalisin - Volus Engineering Team
- Aethon Cluster - Satu Arrd - West-southwest of star, near 3rd ring - 200 fuel
- Apien Crest - Castellus - South of Fiax, East of Nios - 350 fuel
- Apien Crest - Castellus - Digeris - Artifact: Banner of the 1st Regiment
- Apien Crest - Gemmae - Pheiros - Turian 79th Flotila
- Apien Crest - Gemmae - South of Pheiros - 800 fuel
- Apien Crest - Gemmae - West of Pheiros - 750 fuel
- Arcturus Stream - Arcturus - Arcturus Station - Intel: Intel from Battle of Arcturus
- Arcturus Stream - Arcturus - West of Themis - 350 fuel
- Arcturus Stream - Euler - Southwest of Yukawa - 100 fuel
- Argos Rho - Gorgon - Camaron - Advanced Power Relays
- Argos Rho - Hydra - South of Star, 2nd ring - 270 fuel
- Argos Rho - Hydra - Canrum - Haptic Optics Array
- Argos Rho - Phoenix - Pinnacle Station - Turian Spec Ops Team
- Argos Rho - Phoenix - Intai'sei - Artifact: Fossilized Kakliosaur
- Argos Rho - Phoenix - East-north-east of Intai'sei - 450 fuel
- Athena Nebula - Ialessa - East of star, between third and fourth ring - 500 fuel
- Athena Nebula - Ialessa - Trikalon - Asari Engineers
- Athena Nebula - Orisoni - Egalic - Asari Research Ships
- Athena Nebula - Orisoni - East-southeast of star, between second and third ring - 350 fuel
- Athena Nebula - Parnitha - Tevura - Asari Cruiser Cybaen
- Athena Nebula - Tomaros - South of Niagolon - 200 fuel
- Athena Nebula - Tomaros - Pronoia - Asari Cruiser Nefrane
- Athena Nebula - Vernio - Polissa - Artifact: Hesperia Period Statue
- Athena Nebula - Vernio - Northeast of star, just past asteroid belt - 400 fuel
- Attican Beta - Hercules - Eletania - Interferometric Array
- Attican Beta - Hercules - Southeast of star, between 2nd and 3rd ring - 370 fuel
- Attican Beta - Theseus - Feros - ExoGeni Scientists
- Attican Beta - Theseus - Northeast of star, east of Feros - 240 fuel
- Caleston Rift - Aysur - North-north-east of the star, just outside fourth ring - 150 fuel
- Caleston Rift - Balor - North of the star, between second and third ring - 350 fuel
- Caleston Rift - Balor - Bres (asteroid belt north of star) - Synthdiamond Heat Sinks
- Crescent Nebula - Lusarn - Beyalt (asteroid belt northwest of star) - 10,000 credits
- Crescent Nebula - Lusarn - East of star and southwest of Tarith, between third and fourth ring - 150 fuel
- Crescent Nebula - Tasale - Illium - Liquid Assets
- Crescent Nebula - Tasale - North of Illium, just above the third ring - 350 fuel
- Exodus Cluster - Asgard - Tyr - Alliance Naval Exploration Flotilla
- Exodus Cluster - Asgard - Terra Nova - Alliance Cruiser Shanghai
- Exodus Cluster - Asgard - Loki - Alliance Spec Ops Team Delta
- Exodus Cluster - Asgard - Northwest of star - 250 fuel
- Exodus Cluster - Asgard - Borr - Intel: Remains of Reaper Destroyer
- Exodus Cluster - Utopia - South of Eden Prime - 200 fuel
- Exodus Cluster - Utopia - Zion - Prothean Data Files
- Gemini Sigma - Han - East of star, between fourth and fifth ring - 470 fuel
- Gemini Sigma - Han - Mavigon - 10,000 credits
- Gemini Sigma - Ming - Southeast of star, below Antiroprus - 320 fuel
- Gemini Sigma - Ming - Parag - Alliance Cruiser Nairobi, Alliance Third Fleet
- Hades Gamma - Antaeus - Near the Mass Relay - 300 fuel
- Hades Gamma - Antaeus - Trebin - 10,000 credits
- Hades Gamma - Cacus - Chohe - 10,000 credits
- Hades Gamma - Cacus - Left of Xamarri - 400 fuel
- Hades Gamma - Dis - Northeast of Nearrum - 200 fuel
- Hades Gamma - Dis - Klensal - 10,000 credits
- Hades Gamma - Farinata - Between star and Juntauma - 200 fuel
- Hades Gamma - Farinata - Juntauma - Alliance Frigate Agincourt, Alliance First Fleet
- Hades Gamma - Plutus - Nonuel - Special Ops Team Zeta, 103rd Marine Division
- Hades Nexus - Hekate - East of star and Southwest of Mass Relay, between second and third rings - 380 fuel
- Hades Nexus - Hekate - Asteria - Alliance Frigate Hong Kong, Alliance Fifth Fleet
- Hades Nexus - Hoplos - Kopis - Artifact: Obelisk of Karza
- Hades Nexus - Hoplos - Far West in System - 250 fuel
- Hades Nexus - Pamyat - Dobrovolski - Alliance Frigate Leipzig, Alliance First Fleet
- Hades Nexus - Pamyat - South of star, between third ring and asteroid belt - 100 fuel
- Hades Nexus - Sheol - Gei Hinnom - Artifact: Prothean Sphere
- Hourglass Nebula - Faryar - Alingon - Shadow Broker Starship Tech
- Hourglass Nebula - Faryar - Northwest of Alingon - 600 fuel
- Hourglass Nebula - Osun - Erinle - 10,000 credits
- Hourglass Nebula - Osun - Southwest of Erinle - 100 fuel
- Hourglass Nebula - Ploitari - Zanethu - Terminus Freighters
- Hourglass Nebula - Sowilo - Hagalaz - Shadow Broker Support Team
- Hourglass Nebula - Sowilo - North of star (Between 4th & 5th Rings) - 200 fuel
- Ismar Frontier - Aquila - Metaponto - Intel: Advanced Biotic Implants
- Kite's Nest - Harsa - Verush - Intel: Weapon Upgrade Kit
- Kite's Nest - Harsa - Left of Verush - 300 fuel
- Kite's Nest - Harsa - Khar'shan - Artifact: Pillars of Strength
- Kite's Nest - Indris - Cholis - Governor Grothan Pazness
- Kite's Nest - Indris - North of star just outside second ring - 300 fuel
- Kite's Nest - Untrel - Adek - 10,000 credits
- Kite's Nest - Untrel - Southwest of Adek - 100 fuel
- Kite's Nest - Vular - Vana - Black Market Artifacts
- Kite's Nest - Vular - Northwest of star, third ring - 150 fuel
- Krogan DMZ - Dranek - Rothla - Shadow Broker Wet Squad
- Krogan DMZ - Dranek - Southeast of star - 200 fuel
- Krogan DMZ - Nith - Northeast of star - 300 fuel
- Minos Wasteland - Fortis - South of Mass Relay - 200 fuel
- Minos Wasteland - Fortis - Pietas - 10,000 credits
- Nimbus Cluster - Agaiou - Carcosa - Artifact: Library of Asha
- Nimbus Cluster - Kallini - South of Pania - 300 fuel
- Nimbus Cluster - Pelion - South of Aitis - 650 fuel
- Nimbus Cluster - Pelion - Trategos - Intel: Intact Reaper Weapon
- Nimbus Cluster - Pelion - Northeast of Trategos - 750 fuel
- Nimbus Cluster - Pelion - Northwest of Sthenia - 750 fuel
- Nubian Expanse - Dakka - Pragia - Intel: Research Data from Pragia
- Nubian Expanse - Dakka - Southeast of star, between 3rd and 4th ring - 350 fuel
- Nubian Expanse - Kalabsha - Yamm - Alliance Marine Recon Unit, 103rd Marine Division
- Nubian Expanse - Kalabsha - Northeast of star, between 1st and 2nd ring - 300 fuel
- Nubian Expanse - Qertassi - Norehsa - Alliance Frigate Trafalgar, Alliance Third Fleet
- Nubian Expanse - Qertassi - Northeast of Norehsa - 50 fuel
- Pylos Nebula - Dirada - Sineus - Radiation Shielding Sheath
- Pylos Nebula - Dirada - Northeast of the star and south-southeast of Sineus - 250 fuel
- Pylos Nebula - Nariph - Isale - Jovian Dissertation
- Pylos Nebula - Nariph - Northeast of the star, between first and second ring - 300 fuel
- Pylos Nebula - Zaherin - South of the outermost planet Rotesk, just outside third ring - 350 fuel
- The Shrike Abyssal - Kyzil - Heshtok - Void Devils Fighter Wing
- The Shrike Abyssal - Kyzil - South of Rustaka - 350 fuel
- The Shrike Abyssal - Thal - West of the star, between first and second ring - 400 fuel
- The Shrike Abyssal - Thal - Tyrix (North part of the asteroid belt closest to star) - Vorcha Labor Team
- The Shrike Abyssal - Urla Rast - Talis Fia - Artifact: Prothean Obelisk
- The Shrike Abyssal - Urla Rast - Northeast of star near outermost orbital ring - 300 fuel
- The Shrike Abyssal - Xe Cha - Zada Ban - 10,000 credits
- The Shrike Abyssal - Xe Cha - Southeast of star - 150 fuel
- Sigurd's Cradle - Decoris - Laena - 10,000 credits
- Sigurd's Cradle - Decoris - Southern part of Decoris between the orbital rings. - 350 fuel
- Sigurd's Cradle - Lenal - Triginta Petra - Dextro Rations
- Sigurd's Cradle - Mil - Chalkhos - Husk Neural Map
- Sigurd's Cradle - Skepsis - Watson - Javelin Missile Launchers
- Sigurd's Cradle - Skepsis - Between Crick and Mass Relay - 200 fuel
- Silean Nebula - Kypladon - Hanalei - Dr. Jelize
- Silean Nebula - Loropi - East of Wreckage, just outside 1st ring - 300 fuel
- Silean Nebula - Loropi - Yasilium - Armali Sniper Unit
- Silean Nebula - Nahuala - Hyetiana - Serrice Guard
- Silean Nebula - Nahuala - West of Agessia, between 2nd ring and asteroid belt - 250 fuel
- Silean Nebula - Phontes - Dekuuna - Artifact: Code of the Ancients
- Silean Nebula - Phontes - Oltan - Elcor Flotilla
- Silean Nebula - Phontes - East of Lenamund - South of Telluune, between second and third rings - 175 fuel
- Silean Nebula - Teyolia - Nevos - Artifact: Rings of Alune
- Silean Nebula - Teyolia - Quirezia - 10,000 credits
- Silean Nebula - Teyolia - East-southeast of star - between 3rd and 4th ring - 375 fuel
- Valhallan Threshold - Micah - Elohi - Emergency Fuel Pods
- Valhallan Threshold - Micah - Farlas (in asteroid belt) - Element Zero Converter
- Valhallan Threshold - Micah - Southeast of star, near asteroid belt - 340 fuel
- Valhallan Threshold - Paz - Garvug - Artifact: Prothean Data Disks
- Valhallan Threshold - Paz - East of star - 160 fuel
- Valhallan Threshold - Raheel-Leyya - Northeast of larger star - 95 fuel
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