Mass Effect 3
Mission Rewards Summary (in progress)
Missions in capitals represent main story progress missions. Other missions are arranged by what missions can be acquired (i.e., they show in your Journal) after the preceding main plot mission is done.
Missions in capitals represent main story progress missions. Other missions are arranged by what missions can be acquired (i.e., they show in your Journal) after the preceding main plot mission is done.
- Minor missions (e.g., those from overheard conversations on the Citadel) can be acquired but not necessarily completed immediately. We have arranged them according to when they can be completed.
- If you pick up a weapon for the first time (as opposed to having a weapon assigned to you, such as when Anderson gives you an M-3 Predator in the Prologue), in a New Game+ you will get 2 free ranks unlocked, toward the maximum of rank X.
- You may want to do the Citadel DLC after everything else, as an epilogue to your Mass Effect 3 gaming experience. To do so, be sure to save your game before starting Priority: Cerberus Headquarters.
- The Citadel DLC will let you get the remaining mods to level V.
- There are a lot of credits available, including a theoretically unlimited amount from the Armax Arsenal Arena and the Silver Coast Casino.
- If you obtain a duplicate weapon mod, it will upgrade the weapon mod level by 1. After doing all available missions EXCEPT the Citadel DLC and Priority Earth, weapon mod levels for a first playthrough are V except the following:
- SMG Power Magnifier II
- Pistol Power Magnifier II
- Pistol Ultralight Materials IV
- Assault Rifle Thermal Scope II
- Assault Rifle Ultralight Materials II
- Shotgun Ultralight Materials II
- Sniper Rifle High-Velocity Barrel II
- Sniper Rifle Ultralight Materials II
- Medi-Gel is converted into XP if you cannot carry any more. Medi-Gel is replenished every time you leave the ship for a mission or location, so once you have collected all Medi-Gel during a mission, you can use it without fear of missing out on XP.
- PROLOGUE: EARTH - M-3 Predator, M-8 Avenger.
- If you have any other weapons (either from a previous playthrough or given to yourself by console), every time you reload a game the Predator (and Avenger, if you have it) become your equipped weapons.
- PRIORITY: MARS - M-4 Shuriken, M-23 Katana, M-92 Mantis, Ariake Technologies Gauntlets, Kassa Fabrication Chestplate, SMG Scope, SMG Ultralight Materials, Sniper Rifle Extended Barrel, Shotgun High Caliber Barrel, Sniper Rifle Concentration Mod, M-15 Vindicator, Shotgun Shredder Mod, Squad Member (Ashley or Kaidan, James, Liara).
- You start with a weapon based on Shepard's class; the other weapons appear during the mission.
- PRIORITY: THE CITADEL I - War Asset (Diana Allers), War Asset (Khalisah Bint Sinan al-Jilani), War Asset (Doctor Chakwas if she is asked to stay in R&D)
- Apien Crest: Banner of the First Regiment - 5 rep, 15000 credits, War Asset (Turian Sixth Fleet)
- N7: Cerberus Lab - Sniper Rifle Enhanced Scope, Alien Medi-Gel Formula, 5 rep, 10000 credits, +10000 credits funding, War Asset (Cerberus Research)
- Priority: Eden Prime (DLC From Ashes) - 5000 credits, Particle Rifle (from Javik), Squad Member (Javik); Javik cannot go on missions until after Priority: Palaven
- Eden Prime: Resistance Movement - War Asset (Eden Prime Support)
- PRIORITY: PALAVEN - M-97 Viper, M-27 Scimitar, Assault Rifle Piercing Mod, Hahne-Kedar Greaves, Pistol Piercing Mod, Armax Arsenal Shoulder Guard, Pistol Magazine Upgrade, Assault Rifle Magazine Upgrade, Sniper Rifle Spare Ammo Mod, Sniper Rifle Enhanced Scope, 12500 credits, +12500 credits funding, Squad Member (Garrus)
- Aria: Blood Pack - War Asset (Terminus Fleet)
- Aria: Blue Suns - War Asset (Terminus Fleet)
- Aria: Eclipse - War Asset (Terminus Fleet)
- Citadel: Aria T'Loak
- Citadel: Alien Medi-Gel Formula - 1000 credits, War Asset (Hanar and Drell Forces)
- Citadel: Leviathan (DLC Leviathan)
- Find Garneau - Pistol Cranial Trauma System, SMG High-Velocity Barrel, Ultralight Pistol Materials, SMG Mass Pulse Recoil System.
- Mahavid - SMG High-Velocity Barrel, Ultralight Pistol Materials, SMG Mass Pulse Recoil System, Pistol Cranial Trauma System.
- Find Ann Bryson - Assault Rifle Omni-Blade, Husk head Captain's Cabin item.
- Namakli - AT-12 Raider, SMG High-Velocity Barrel, SMG Mass Pulse Recoil System, Assault Rifle Omni-Blade, 12500 credits.
- Despoina - Assault Rifle Omni-Blade, M-55 Argus, Pistol Cranial Trauma System, Ultralight Pistol Materials, 15000 credits, War Asset (Ann Bryson), War Asset (Leviathan Enthrallment Team).
- Citadel: Hanar Diplomat - War Asset (Hanar and Drell Forces or Spectre Unit)
- Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation - Assault Rifle Stability Damper, SMG Heat Sink, M-22 Eviscerator, M-96 Mattock, Mnemonic Visor, Assault Rifle Precision Scope, Sniper Rifle Piercing Mod, Biotic Amp Schematics, Serrice Council Chestplate, SMG Magazine Upgrade, 12500 credits,
+12500 credits funding, War Asset (Alliance 103rd Marine Division or Biotic Company), War Asset (Citadel Defense Force) - Citadel: Biotic Amp Interfaces - 5 rep, 1000 credits, War Asset (Citadel Defense Force)
- Ismar Frontier: Prototype Components - 90 xp
- Omega: Aria T'Loak - Assault Rifle High-Velocity Barrel x3, Pistol Heavy Barrel x3, Shotgun High-Velocity Barrel x3, N7 Valkyrie, Sniper Rifle Thermal Scope x3, Shotgun Omni-Blade x3, Chakram Launcher, 60002 credits (see below), +15000 credits funding, War Asset (Alliance First Fleet or General Oleg Petrovsky), War Asset (Omega Eezo Hoard), War Asset (Omega Raiding Fleet)
- Omega: Assist the Hacker, Omega: Assist the Mechanic - achievement
- Mission start to Aria's Bunker - 15000 credits
- Aria's Bunker to Talon Base - 15000 credits
- Omega: Assist Harrot - 1800 credits (see below)
- Harrot's Emporium appears after this mission, and has 50000 credits worth of weapon mods. The store will NOT appear in the Normandy requisitions after the mission.
- Talon Base to Reactor - 15000 credits
- Reactor to Afterlife - 15002 credits
- 15000 appears to be the maximum between mission checkpoints; the 15000 here includes 1800 from Omega: Assist Harrot when you find the couch.
- +1 token credit from each of two locations at the Talons front lines just before Afterlife:
- In the Talons area, in the infirmary -- one of the machines
- Near the taxi to the left of where you enter the Afterlife courtyard
- Kite's Nest: Pillars of Strength - 5 rep, 15000 credits, War Asset (Batarian Fleet)
- Shrike Abyssal: Prothean Obelisk - 5 rep, 20000 credits
- PRIORITY: SUR'KESH - Assault Rifle Extended Barrel, Shotgun Blade Attachment, Shotgun Spare Ammo, Pistol High Caliber Barrel, Armax Arsenal Greaves, Sentry Interface, M-13 Raptor, Pistol Scope, Scorpion, 12500 credits, +12500 credits funding.
- Attican Traverse: Krogan Team / Missing Scouts / Rachni - M-300 Claymore, Pistol High Caliber Barrel, SMG High Caliber Barrel, Shotgun Shredder Mod, Krogan Dying Message, Shotgun Spare Thermal Clip, Ariake Technologies Shoulder Guard, Pistol Piercing Mod, 12500 credits, +12500 credits funding, War Asset (Rachni Queen or Breeder), War Asset (Aralakh Company)
- Citadel: Krogan Dying Message - 5 rep
- Citadel: Barla Von - 5 rep, War Asset (Shadow Broker Wet Squad)
- Citadel: GX12 Thermal Pipe - 5 rep
- N7: Cerberus Attack - Improved Power Grid ("old grid schematics"), Armax Arsenal Gauntlets, 10000 credits, +10000 credits funding, War Asset (Krogan First Division)
- Citadel: Improved Power Grid - 5 rep, 1000 credits, War Asset (Alliance Fifth Fleet)
- N7: Cerberus Abductions - Capacitor Helmet, 10000 credits, +10000 credits funding, War Asset (Arcturus First Division)
- Benning: Evidence - 5 rep
- Tuchanka: Turian Platoon - SMG Magazine Upgrade, M-9 Tempest, Sniper Rifle Spare Thermal Clip, SMG Ultralight Materials, Hahne-Kedar Chestplate, Shotgun Smart Choke, Sniper Rifle Extended Barrel, 12500 credits, +12500 credits funding
- Tuchanka: Bomb - M-29 Incisor, Shotgun Blade Attachment, Rosenkov Materials Gauntlets, SMG Heat Sink, Pistol Scope, Sniper Rifle Concentration Mod, Pistol Melee Stunner, Turret Control Schematics, 12500 credits, +12500 credits funding, War Asset (Turian Blackwatch)
- N7: Cerberus Fighter Base - Pistol Magazine Upgrade, Heating Unit Schematics, 5 rep, 10000 credits, +10000 credits funding, War Asset (Advanced Fighter Squadron)
- Citadel: Heating Unit Stabilizers - 5 rep, 1000 credits
- PRIORITY: THE CITADEL II - Assault Rifle Piercing Mod, M-76 Revenant, Sniper Rifle Extended Barrel, Pistol Piercing Mod, M-25 Hornet, Securitel Helmet, Pistol High-Caliber Barrel, M-358 Talon, Sniper Rifle Piercing Mod, 12500 credits, +12500 credits funding
- Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists - Assault Rifle Magazine Upgrade, Shotgun High Caliber Barrel, poison designed for turians, Kassa Fabrications Greaves, M-6 Carnifex, SMG High Caliber Barrel, Sniper Rifle Piercing Mod, Shotgun Spare Thermal Clip, 12500 credits, +12500 credits funding, War Assets (Ex-Cerberus Scientists, Dr. Brynn Cole, Jacob, Dr. Gavin Archer)
- Citadel: Cerberus Turian Poison - 5 rep, 1000 credits, War Asset (Turian Sixth Fleet)
- Athena Nebula: Hesperia-Period Statue - 15000 credits, War Asset (Alliance Engineering Corps)
- Citadel DLC
- Citadel: Shore Leave
- Citadel: Ambush - M-11 Suppressor, Pistol Power Magnifier, Assault Rifle Ultralight Materials, Sniper Rifle Ultralight Materials, 15000 credits, +15000 credits funding
- Citadel: Identity Theft
- Silver Coast Casino: Infiltration - 15000 credits, +15000 credits funding
- Citadel: Identity Theft II
- Citadel Archives: Escape - Shotgun Ultralight Materials, SMG Power Magnifier, M-7 Lancer, Sniper Rifle High-Velocity Barrel, Sniper Rifle Ultralight Materials, Assault Rifle Ultralight Materials, 15000 credits
- Citadel Docks: Retake the Normandy - Sniper Rifle Ultralight Materials, Shotgun Ultralight Materials, Assault Rifle Thermal Scope, mug in CIC area (+3 credits), 15000 credits, +15000 credits funding
- Citadel Arena: Geth Challenge - SMG Power Magnifier
- Citadel Arena: Unusual Scores - Sniper Rifle High-Velocity Barrel, Pistol Power Magnifier, Assault Rifle Thermal Scope
- Armax Arsenal Arena - Score over 9999 points to receive one of: Cerberus Spirit Armour OR Cerberus Shade Armour OR Cerberus Nightmare Armour
- Citadel: Batarian Codes - 210 xp, War Assets (Batarian Fleet)
- Citadel: Cerberus Automated Turret Schematics - 5 rep, 1000 credits, War Asset (Citadel Defense Force)
- Citadel: Cerberus Retribution - 5000 credits
- Citadel: Inspirational Stories - 5 rep, 210 xp, 5000 credits
- Citadel: Library of Asha - 5 rep, 15000 credits, War Asset (Asari Sixth Fleet)
- Citadel: Medical Supplies - 5 rep, 375 xp, Intel (Med Bay Surgery), Upgrade (Efficiency Increase Medi-Gel or Capacity Increase Medi-Gel)
- Citadel: Medi-Gel Sabotage - Effective Military Strength
- Citadel: Volus Ambassador - 5000 credits, War Assets (Zaeed Massani, Volus Bombing Fleet, -Turian Sixth Fleet)
- Citadel: Wounded Batarian - 5 rep, 5000 credits
- Irune: Book of Plenix - War Assets (Citadel Defense Force)
- Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery - Pistol Melee Stunner, Intel (Gallae's Electronic Signature), Sniper Rifle Spare Thermal Clip, Disciple, Serrice Council Shoulder Guard, Assault Rifle Precision Scope, 12500 credits, +12500 credits funding, War Asset (Asari Commandos, Samara)
- Citadel: Asari Widow - 5 rep
- Valhallan Threshold: Prothean Data Drives - 5 rep, 15000 credits, War Asset (Alliance Engineering Corps)
- PRIORITY: GETH DREADNOUGHT - Shotgun Smart Choke, Arc Pistol, Sniper Rifle Enhanced Scope, Archon Visor, Geth Pulse Rifle, SMG Scope, Assault Rifle Precision Scope, 12500 credits, +12500 credits funding
- Citadel: Kakliosaur Fossil - 5 rep, 15000 credits, War Asset (Krogan Clans)
- N7: Fuel Reactors - 10000 credits, +10000 credits funding
- Citadel: Chemical Treatment - 5 rep, 30 xp, 1000 credits, War Asset (Alliance First Fleet)
- Rannoch: Admiral Koris - Assault Rifle Magazine Upgrade, Shotgun Shredder Mod, SMG Magazine Upgrade, Jamming Tower Data, 12500 credits, +12500 credits funding, War Asset (+Admiral Koris or -Quarian Civilian Fleet)
- Citadel: Target Jamming Technology - 5 rep, 1000 credits, War Asset (Citadel Defense Force)
- Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons - Reaper Code Fragments, 12500 credits, Intel (Improved Geth Resistors, Miniaturized Armor Capacitors), War Asset (Geth Prime Platoon)
- Citadel: Reaper Code Fragments - 5 rep, 1000 credits, War Asset (Asari Second Fleet)
- PRIORITY: RANNOCH - SMG High Caliber Barrel, Kassa Fabrication Gauntlets, SMG Ultralight Materials, Assault Rifle Stability Damper, Geth Plasma Shotgun, 25000 credits, +25000 credits funding
- Dekuuna: Code of the Ancients - 5 rep, 15000 credits, War Asset (Citadel Defense Force)
- Dekuuna: Elcor Extraction - 5 rep, 120 xp
- Hades Nexus: Obelisk of Karza - 5 rep, 15000 credits, War Asset (Alliance Engineering Corps)
- Hades Nexus: Prothean Sphere - 5 rep, 15000 credits, War Asset (Alliance Engineering Corps)
- Silean Nebula: Rings of Alune - 5 rep, 15000 credits, War Asset (Citadel Defense Force)
- PRIORITY: THESSIA - Umbra Visor, Shotgun High-Caliber Barrel, Sniper Rifle Concentration Mod, M-98 Widow, Assault Rifle Extended Barrel, SMG Heat Sink, 15000 credits, +15000 credits funding
- N7: Communication Hub - Cerberus codes (Cerberus Ciphers), Ariake Technology Greaves, 5 rep, 10000 credits, +10000 credits funding, War Asset (Communications Array)
- Citadel: Cerberus Ciphers - 5 rep, 1000 credits
- PRIORITY: HORIZON - Pistol Scope, Rosenkov Materials Shoulder Plate, M-12 Locust, Shotgun Blade Attachment, M-99 Saber, 15000 credits, +15000 credits funding
- PRIORITY: CERBERUS HEADQUARTERS 25000 credits, +55000 credits funding.
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