Mass Effect 2 Power Durations and Cooldowns

Mass Effect 2 Powers Analysis

The table below lists power durations and power cooldowns.
In Mass Effect 2, Cooldowns affect ALL powers you have -- that is, you cannot use another power until the cooldown has finished. Therefore,
  • If you are trying to set up a combo, you need to look at whether the power duration will expire before your power cooldown is complete so that you can throw out another power.
    • Example: Pull 1 has a Cooldown of 3.00 and a Duration of 5.00. Therefore, you have a 2.00 second window to use another power, such as Charge or Warp (plus the time it takes for the effect to reach the target).
    • Example: Adrenaline Rush 1 has a Cooldown of 5.00 seconds and a Duration of 5.00 seconds. You can therefore be constantly under Adrenaline Rush.
    • Note that some powers have a cooldown that only starts AFTER the power has expired (e.g., Tactical Cloak, Shadow Strike).
  • If you are using powers, a longer cooldown means you are less likely to use the power for offense than support. A long cooldown means during that period, you are more likely to switch to a weapon to continue your offense, or take advantage of it to perform some other tactical action such as retreating or repositioning.
  • Notice the Biotics are very fast, both for Shepard and the Squad. You can almost use them back to back once you start reducing the cooldown.
See the very bottom of this post for the career bonuses to duration and cooldown.

Duration Power Shepard Power
   180.00 Barrier 4 Improved          1.50 Armor Piercing Ammo
   180.00 Fortification 4 Improved          1.50 Cryo Ammo
     60.00 Barrier          1.50 Disruptor Ammo
     60.00 Fortification 1-4          1.50 Incendiary Ammo
     60.00 Geth Shield Boost          1.50 Shredder Ammo
     45.00 Singularity 4 Heavy effect duration          1.50 Warp Ammo
     30.00 Singularity 3-4 effect duration          3.00 Adrenaline Rush 3-4
     25.00 Singularity 2 effect duration          3.00 Combat Drone
     24.00 Combat Drone 4          3.00 Neural Shock
     20.00 Combat Drone 3          3.00 Pull
     20.00 Singularity 1 effect duration          3.00 Slam
     18.00 Combat Drone Squad          3.00 Throw
     16.00 Combat Drone 2          3.00 Unity
     12.00 AI Hacking 4 Improved          4.00 Adrenaline Rush 2
     12.00 Combat Drone 1          4.50 Cryo Blast
     12.00 Dominate 4 Enhanced          4.50 Singularity
     12.00 Neural Shock 4          5.00 Adrenaline Rush 1
     12.00 Pull 4 Heavy          6.00 AI Hacking
     12.00 Stasis 4 Deep          6.00 Charge
      9.00 AI Hacking 3-4          6.00 Concussive Shot
      9.00 Dominate 3-4          6.00 Dominate
      9.00 Neural Shock 3-4          6.00 Energy Drain
      9.00 Pull 3-4          6.00 Flashbang Grenade
      9.00 Singularity 4 Heavy hold duration          6.00 Incinerate
      9.00 Stasis 3-4          6.00 Inferno Grenade
      8.00 Slam 4 Crippling cripple duration          6.00 Overload
      8.00 Tactical Cloak 4          6.00 Reave
      7.00 AI Hacking 2          6.00 Shockwave
      7.00 Cryo Ammo 4 Improved freeze duration          6.00 Stasis
      7.00 Cryo Blast 4 Full          6.00 Tactical Cloak
      7.00 Dominate 2          6.00 Warp
      7.00 Neural Shock 2          6.00 Warp 4 Unstable
      7.00 Pull 2        12.00 Barrier
      7.00 Shadow Strike 3        12.00 Fortification
      7.00 Singularity 3-4 hold duration        12.00 Geth Shield Boost
      7.00 Stasis 2        12.00 Tech Armor
      6.00 Disruptor Ammo 3-4 weapon overheat
      6.00 Flashbang Grenade 4 Improved Cooldown
      6.00 Shadow Strike 2 Squad Power
      6.00 Singularity 2 hold duration          1.40 Shadow Strike 4 Rapid on kill
      6.00 Tactical Cloak 3          1.50 Armor Piercing Ammo
      5.50 Reave 4 Heavy          1.50 Cryo Ammo
      5.50 Tactical Cloak 2          1.50 Disruptor Ammo
      5.00 Adrenaline Rush          1.50 Incendiary Ammo
      5.00 AI Hacking 1          1.50 Shredder Ammo
      5.00 Cryo Ammo 3-4 freeze duration          1.50 Warp Ammo
      5.00 Cryo Blast 3-4          9.00 Cryo Blast
      5.00 Dominate 1          9.00 Inferno Grenade
      5.00 Neural Shock 1          9.00 Neural Shock
      5.00 Pull 1          9.00 Overload
      5.00 Shadow Strike 1          9.00 Pull
      5.00 Singularity 1 hold duration          9.00 Shadow Strike
      5.00 Stasis 1          9.00 Slam
      5.00 Tactical Cloak 1          9.00 Throw
      4.00 Charge 2-4 shield duration          9.00 Warp 4 Unstable
      4.00 Cryo Ammo 2 freeze duration        12.00 AI Hacking
      4.00 Cryo Blast 2        12.00 Barrier
      4.00 Flashbang Grenade 3-4        12.00 Concussive Shot
      4.00 Inferno Grenade burn time        12.00 Dominate
      4.00 Reave 3-4        12.00 Energy Drain
      3.50 Flashbang Grenade 2        12.00 Flashbang Grenade
      3.50 Reave 2        12.00 Fortification
      3.00 Cryo Ammo 1 freeze duration        12.00 Geth Shield Boost
      3.00 Cryo Blast 1        12.00 Incinerate
      3.00 Disruptor Ammo 2-4 synthetic overload        12.00 Reave
      3.00 Flashbang Grenade 1        12.00 Shockwave
      3.00 Incendiary Ammo burn time        12.00 Stasis
      3.00 Incinerate burn time        12.00 Warp
      3.00 Reave 1        20.00 Singularity
      1.50 Slam 4 Heavy lift duration        30.00 Combat Drone
      1.30 Slam 3,4 lift duration
      1.10 Slam 2 lift duration
      0.90 Slam 1 lift duration
Career Modifiers:
Basically, the differences in cooldown between level 4 class options are virtually irrelevant as the difference is typically a split second for powers with the common 6-second cooldown.
Duration extension is a more complex issue because it helps you chain powers and has secondary not-easily-quantifiable benefits that are highly situational.
  • Adept - Bastion - Cooldown -20%, Duration +15%
  • Adept - Nemesis - Cooldown -20%
  • Engineer - Mechanic - Cooldown -20%, Duration +15%
  • Engineer - Demolisher - Cooldown -20%
  • Infiltrator - Assassin - Cooldown -9%
  • Infiltrator - Agent - Cooldown -15%, Duration +15%
  • Sentinel - Guardian - Cooldown -30%
  • Sentinel - Raider - Cooldown -20%
  • Soldier - Commando - no bonus
  • Soldier - Storm Trooper - Duration +15%
  • Vanguard - Destroyer - Cooldown -9%
  • Vanguard - Champion - Cooldown -15%, Duration +15%
Cooldown Reduction Duration Extension
100% 91% 85% 80% 70% 100% 115%
       1.50        1.37        1.28        1.20        1.05        3.00        3.45
       3.00        2.73        2.55        2.40        2.10        4.00        4.60
       4.50        4.10        3.83        3.60        3.15        5.00        5.75
       6.00        5.46        5.10        4.80        4.20        6.00        6.90
       9.00        8.19        7.65        7.20        6.30        7.00        8.05
     12.00      10.92      10.20        9.60        8.40        8.00        9.20
       9.00      10.35
     12.00      13.80
     16.00      18.40
     18.00      20.70
     20.00      23.00
